美國晨曦之家福音戒癮2021月份代禱通訊 (含Marvin的見證)


Marvin 三年前從紐約來到美國晨曦之家戒毒。來晨曦之家之前他去過好幾所戒毒所戒毒,可是一直沒辦法戒掉毒品。剛來晨曦之家的第三天Marvin就鬧著要回家。藉著同工和他媽媽的勸勉後來他決定留下來住了一年半。從晨曦之家畢業後,我們幫助他到靈糧堂基金會的food bank工作直到今天。

感謝神看到過去曾經給家人和社會帶來問題的Marvin既然今天可以在生命河靈糧堂基金會的food bank 服務社會。甚至還得到Santa Clara市長辦法的Certificate of Special recognition for Service to the CommunityMarvin四月份也得到Certificate of Special Mayoral Recognition因為他所寫和出版的兒童創世紀圖畫故事書。若大家有興趣和願意支持Marvin可以購物他的書https://www.westbowpress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/811075-book-of-the-beginning


Hello my name is Marvin Sung. I graduated from Operation Dawn almost 2 years ago. I served as a servant leader for half a year and then decided to move on in to the real world. A lot has happened since my departure at Operation Dawn. I got a job at the River of Life Foundation and also published a book. Work has been a blessing since lots of opportunities have been given to me. I’ve received a Certificate of Special Recognition for Service to the Community working during the pandemic. During that experience I was able to meet the Mayor of Santa Clara and give her a signed copy of my book. Couple months later she invited me to a city council meeting to recognize my book. At the meeting the Mayor presented me with a Certificate of Special Mayoral Recognition for the publication of my first book. There had been many humbling experiences for me through the tough past year. The book I wrote during my stay at Operation Dawn was a big part of my recovery. It taught me patience and commitment. When using drugs people become very inconsistent and unstable. Projects would be left unfinished and dreams would be forgotten. I would not be able to maintain a job nor manage my money. It is truly a deep hole that we dig ourselves into. I’m glad that things are going better now and I can look forward to my future. I believe it is bright unlike my dark past. Operation Dawn has helped me in ways I couldn’t imagine. The support from all the families helped build my structure. I want to take the blessings that I’ve received from Operation Dawn to give back to the community. Half of all proceeds from the book I wrote will go back to Operation Dawn because I truly believe it can save someone’s life. Thank you for the support and hope the world opens up soon so we can all see each other again.



  1. 請為世界疫情能早日受到控制,不再繼續蔓延擴散禱告。求神賜下智慧給各國領袖來應對疫情的發展,也希望疫苗的發展能解決新冠病毒的感染。
  2. 感謝神我們已經找到挖井的公司,請為挖井的一切費用和申請permit代禱。挖井所需要的費用$30,000.00左右。
  3. 感謝神新學員John已經來了一個多月。目前適應的不錯,請為他靈命成長代禱。
  4. 請為家屬團契在52910.00 am 聚會代禱。求神使用家屬團契來鼓勵和安慰家屬們。 若弟兄姐妹家人有上癮的成員、也歡迎您們來參加我們家屬團契。請聯絡 Peggy 姐妹: [email protected]
  5. 感謝神感動馬明明姐妹對上癮者的家屬有負擔,甚至願意開課來幫助和支持家屬。課程題目是:如何解除七種致命壓力,請代禱。