美國晨曦之家福音戒癮 2024 年 8 月份代禱通訊
I’m Benson. I have been at Operation Dawn for about 6 months due to my 8 years addiction to methamphetamines drug use.
By the grace, love, and will of my Lord Jesus Christ, I am very thankful and grateful to be at Operation Dawn Gilroy. It is truly a blessing from God to be here and to be guided by Pastor Peter and Teacher Samuel, for many reasons:
- I have been reintroduced and reconnected with my Lord/King/Savior/Redeemer /Shepherd/friend/master Jesus Christ.
- I have less and less feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness, isolation, abandonment, depression, despair, sadness, suicidal thoughts, resentment, anger, and loneliness then I did before arriving at Operation Dawn.
- I have learned that my meth use/drug addiction is a sin, and sin will eventually lead to my death and eternity in hell.
- Every day, my personal relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ get closer and closer, due to daily conversation / class lecture Pastor Peter and Teacher Samuel and the awesome volunteer teachers who voluntarily devote their time, energy, wisdom and Knowledge to teach us the word of God (the Bible) each and every day.
- With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am developing the mindset of Jesus (i.e., love God and love others). I thank the Holy Spirit for helping me on my spiritual journey and healing.
- I’ve learned to be honest with myself, and to stop lying about My drug addiction (e.g., lying to myself that I was not hurting anybody with my Meth use; that I could control my usage, etc.)
- I’ve have learned to forgive people that hurt me in the past.
- I’ve developed a practical, sustainable schedule after I complete my one-years study: morning Bible reading, “mini” prayers conversations with God throughout the day, saying “grace” before each meal, and prayer before bedtime.
- A supportive, disciplined, caring, nurturing, friendly, spiritual and holistic approach to recovery from addiction.
- A great group of brothers (Cloud, Tao, Cong, James) to live with, laugh with, and to be around daily.
Again, all praise, glory, love and thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ for getting me here to Operation Dawn so that I own finally get the spiritual help, guidance, counseling, support and hope I need to overcome my sin of drug addiction. Please keep praying for my addiction recovery. Thank you.
After four decades of neglect and denial, I have finally, fully and faithfully believed in Jesus. Jesus is the center of my world now. I love Jesus more than any of my three amazing children. Since arriving at Operation Dawn on February 1, 2024, Jesus has profoundly transformed my heart, thinking, perspective, behavior, feelings, soul, thought process, values, and character. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance and help, I strive to have the mindset, values, and character of Jesus (i.e., love him #1, love others, forgiveness, faith, compassion, obedience, patience, pureness, holiness, faithfulness, and righteousness).
Personally, since arriving at Operation Dawn, I’ve begun the process of purging and eliminating a lot of the bitterness, hatred, loneliness, isolation, sadness, depression, frustration, revenge, pain, and suffering in my heart and mind that made me to abuse methamphetamines and other “escape” drugs in the first place.
Further, I previously had a lot of pride in myself. I used to “pat myself on the back” and to be proud of my personal accomplishments and successes (e.g., graduating from U.C. Berkeley, graduating from law school, passing the bar exam, having my own private law firm, schmoozing with the “movers and shakers” in San Francisco government politics, etc.). I never gave credit to Jesus for any of my accomplishments, which was totally wrong. Now, I have confessed my sin of pride and idolatry to Jesus, repented, and asked Jesus for his forgiveness. Jesus blessed me with all my prior successes, and that is a fundamental change for me moving forward. I realize it was the grace and generosity of God, not me, for my prior successes and accomplishments. With the Holy Spirit’s intervention and spiritual guidance, I have changed inside me. Now, I feel more humble, loving, peaceful, thankful, forgiving, and hopeful, all thanks to Lord Jesus.
Before coming to Operation Dawn, I made all kinds of excuses for myself for not knowing and following Jesus. As mentioned above, I rationalized that I was intelligent and I did not need Jesus in my life. Further, I idol worshiped by believing Buddha/Buddhism over Jesus/Christianity.
Now, I have finally taken the time, effort and energy to study and read the Bible, to reflect on the Word of God, and to attentively listen to the teachings and guidance of Pastor Peter, Teacher Samuel, and all other teachers/pastors.
Also, I believe the Holy Spirit has really been my spiritual mentor and guide in my spiritual journey towards salvation and hope with Jesus.
I was definitely on the wrong path towards hell and death because my drug abuse was my God. Meth was previously my undisputed god/idol/worship. Now, I understand how terribly wrong I was. Now, I realize my drug use/drug addiction is a terrible sin that would lead to my eventual death. I can clearly see that my sin (meth use/abuse) will not only lead to my physical death, but also my spiritual death. I understand and see how selfish I was with my meth use/abuse, how self-centered, proud, dishonest, and greedy I was before. Now I’m more grateful and can honestly say to myself that I am a sinner, I was born a sinner, and I am a drug addict, and that Jesus is the only solution out of my sinful self.
1. 感謝神帶領晨曦之家今年邁入 20 週年。晨曦之家全同工和董事敬邀教會弟兄姐妹來一起來一起慶祝及見
證神這 20 年在晨曦之家的奇妙作為。
2. 感謝神帶領小霖不但可以完成一年的 program。他也願意繼續待下來成為 servant leader。學習來
3. 請持續為在中心的學員在信仰與生活上的學習,保守學員們能透過聖靈的引導進入祂的真理,並因此脫離
罪與癮的挾制,也持續為我們的同工與志工老師們,能忠心不懈地傳講 神的道,讓學員們能因認識聖經有
4. 請持續為在外的過去學員代禱,求神堅定他們的信仰,持續活在神的話語光中,也求神保守那些已經跌倒
5. 請繼續為中途之家申請電源的事情代禱、目前所有的預備工程與行政作業已經都完成了,只等待 PG&E 的
接電工作,然而,該公司的作業已經延宕許久,求 神能幫助他們,提升工作效率,早日完成通電的工作。
6. 請為家屬團契代禱。求神使用家屬團契來鼓勵、安慰與支持家屬們。若周遭有親友是成癮者的親屬、歡迎
邀請他們來參加晨曦家屬團契。請聯絡 Peggy 姐妹: [email protected]。