1. Online Giving to Operation Dawn

2. Bank Transfer to Operation Dawn

Contact Name: [email protected]

3. Text2Give

Text2Give number: (408) 665-7713 

REGISTER – Register phone number and account information for Text2Give
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VOID and REFUND – To have a transaction cancel or reversed
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4. PayPal Donors
please donate here:

5. Stock and Bond Donation

Charitable Gift Transfer to Operation Dawn


Beneficiary: Operation Dawn
Address: P.O. Box 3387, Los Altos, Ca 94024-3387
Phone#: 408-203-8632
Contact Name:  Bill Leung
Contact Email:  [email protected]
Receiving Institution: Etrade
Receiving Institution Account#: 35587279
DTC# (Required for Stock and Bond Transfers): 0385
Please email to [email protected] after you have made a donation.