美國晨曦之家福音戒癮 2022 年 8 月份代禱通訊

(含 The Outreach Initiatives iCare 分享)
感謝神,帶領一群高中生在高中學校設立反毒俱樂部。他們主要的目的就是在校園裡來提醒學生們對毒品所帶來的危害。The Outreach Initiatives iCARE 團隊也來到晨曦會來幫忙拔草、種花、打掃羊和雞圈。六月 18 日 The Outreach Initiatives iCARE 團隊在 Evergreen Children’s Business Fair 開 了一個 Booth 為了教育孩子們對毒品的危害。當天他們也為晨曦會募款。他們還來晨曦會舉辦 BasketballVolleyball 比賽。

請看以下 Ryan (The Outreach Initiatives iCARE 創辦人) 分享他們所辦的活動感想。
The Outreach Initiatives iCARE team had a fun-filled and meaningful day at the Evergreen Children‘s Business Fair on June 18. We raised $1,028 for Operation Dawn, USA by selling Honolulu Cookie Company cookies and other items like mini Lego sets, Disney toys, stationeries, etc.
Even though we were given one hour to set up our table and stage our booth, we barely finished setting up because there were many things we wanted to display as well as put in place to have
a live engagement with our customers. It was really interesting to approach children and their family members who came to our booth and help them get to know more about the gravity of the current opioid epidemic and, most importantly for our little customers, how to win prizes and Sour Punch Twists.
Parents shared their children’s unforgettable photos via social media using our photo booth frame and prop signs with drug-free slogans. It’s incredible that our social media campaign reached more than 1500 people!
We also distributed drug/tobacco awareness silicone wristband bracelets and shared the importance of
staying drug and tobacco-free with many adults and children alike. Children were having fun as they signed our drug-free pledge poster, and they had a blast while spinning our prize wheel and receiving prizes.
It was great that we got to spread our gospel of staying drug and tobacco-free in our busy booth to the community members. Through this process, we learned that great things can happen through team collaboration. It is indeed in giving that we receive!
We are truly grateful and thankful for everyone who visited our booth and for the blessing from our heavenly father for our work and His Love for all of us. Praise the Lord.

1. 求神紀念和賜福 The Outreach Initiatives iCARE 所作的。希望藉著這幾位高中生,可以啟發
2. 請為烏克蘭與俄羅斯戰火中的人民代禱。為那些失去家園、親人、及活在恐懼中的人民代禱。求神幫助
3. 感謝神在 11/7-20 日劉民和牧師和師母會來美國。因疫情他們已經有兩年沒辦法來美國(特別是在
   灣區和南加州)。 Peter 傳道還在為劉牧師安排在教會分享的時間表。若您教會有需要可以聯絡:
   Peter 傳道:408-203-8632。
4. 為中途之家的進展代禱。請繼續為 building permit 的申請代禱。
5. 感謝姜弟兄邀請我們晨曦會同工,同工家屬及學員在 7/28-31 日在 Lake Tahoe 舉辦退修會。在
   一個美麗及平靜的地方來享受 4 天的退修會。同工和學員可以再從新靈命被更新。求神賜福姜弟兄一
6. 請為家屬團契在 8 月 27 日 10.00 am 聚會代禱。求神使用家屬團契來鼓勵和安慰家屬們。若弟兄
   請聯絡 Peggy 姐妹: [email protected]


Operation Dawn Gospel Addiction Rehabilitation August 2022 Intercession

(The Outreach Initiatives iCare Sharing Included)
Praise God for leading a group of high school students to set up an anti-drug club in their high school. Their mission is to remind students of the dangers of substance abuse on campus. The Outreach Initiatives iCARE team also came to Operation Dawn, USA to help remove weeds, plant flowers, and clean sheep and chicken pens. The Outreach Initiatives iCARE team held a booth at the Evergreen Children’s Business Fair on June 18 to educate children about the dangers of drugs. On the same day, they raised money for Operation Dawn as well. They also visited Operation Dawn to host basketball and volleyball games in this summer.

Ryan, founder of Outreach Initiatives iCARE, shares his thoughts on the events that the team organized:
The Outreach Initiatives iCARE team had a fun-filled and meaningful day at the Evergreen Children‘s Business Fair on June 18. We raised $1,028 for Operation Dawn, USA by selling Honolulu Cookie Company cookies and other items like mini Lego sets, Disney toys, stationeries, etc.
Even though we were given one hour to set up our table and stage our booth, we barely finished setting up because there were many things we wanted to display as well as put in place to have
a live engagement with our customers. It was really interesting to approach children and their family members who came to our booth and help them get to know more about the gravity of the current opioid epidemic and, most importantly for our little customers, how to win prizes and Sour Punch Twists.
Parents shared their children’s unforgettable photos via social media using our photo booth frame and prop signs with drug-free slogans. It’s incredible that our social media campaign reached more than 1500 people!
We also distributed drug/tobacco awareness silicone wristband bracelets and shared the importance of
staying drug and tobacco-free with many adults and children alike. Children were having fun as they signed our drug-free pledge poster, and they had a blast while spinning our prize wheel and receiving prizes.
It was great that we got to spread our gospel of staying drug and tobacco-free in our busy booth to the community members. Through this process, we learned that great things can happen through team collaboration. It is indeed in giving that we receive!
We are truly grateful and thankful for everyone who visited our booth and for the blessing from our heavenly father for our work and His Love for all of us. Praise the Lord.

1. May God acknowledge and bless all missions of The Outreach Initiatives
   iCARE. Hopefully through these high school students, more young people can
   be inspired to do anti-drug work.
2. Please pray for the people suffering from the war between Ukraine and
   Russia. Pray for those who have lost their homes and loved ones and are
   living in fear. Pray for the leaders of Russia and Ukraine to let go of
   their own interests. Pray for God to give the leaders of various countries
   the wisdom to respond so that the war can end quickly.
3. Thank God that Reverend Simon Lau and his wife came to America on 11/7-20.
   They have been unable to come to the US (especially in the Bay Area and
   Southern California) for two years because of the pandemic. Pastor Peter is
   still arranging a schedule for Reverend Lau to share his experience and
   testimonies. Please contact Pastor Peter for the information: 408-203-8632.
4. Pray for the progress of the Halfway House. Please continue to pray for the
   building permit application.
5. Thank you, Brother Chiang, for inviting our Operation Dawn staff, staff’s
   family members, and residents to hold a retreat in Lake Tahoe from 7/28 to
   7/31. We enjoyed a 4-day retreat in a beautiful and peaceful place. Staff
   and residents were renewed spiritually. May God bless Brother Chiang’s
6. Please pray for the family fellowship meeting at 10.00 am on August 27th.
   May God empower the family fellowship to encourage and comfort families. If
   there is anyone you know who is using drugs, you are also welcome to join
   the Operation Dawn Family Fellowship. Please contact Sister Peggy:
   [email protected]

All the staff of Operation Dawn, USA